ABSTRACT (less than 300 Words, excluding characters)
- The official language of the conference is English.
- All submissions must be by email to the mail ID mentioned in the brochure: [email protected]
- The manuscript must be submitted as an MS WORD® document file.
- The paper size should be in A4 with all margins at 1 inch each.
- The abstract should have a Title, Name of authors, their affiliation(s), the abstract and Keywords (not more than five)
- Title format: Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 12-point, bold and centre aligned. Leave a blank line after the title.
- Names of authors: Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, normal and centre aligned. Do not provide rank e.g. Dr., Prof., etc. In case there is more than one author, the name of the presenting author should be underlined. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk (*) after the name.
- Provide affiliation of the corresponding author in the next line after the authors' name in Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, normal and centre-aligned.
- The abstract should be a summary of the paper (less than 300 words excluding characters). It should briefly explain the origin of the problem, methodology, significant observations and results. The abstract must provide a definite conclusion of the work with the proposed application of the findings. Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 12-point, normal, single spaced and justified alignment.
- Keywords (not more than five), Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, Italics and right aligned.
- Affiliations Addresses and e-mails of all contributing authors should be provided after the keyword. Corresponding author at serial number 01 and all others in alphabetical order.
Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, normal and right aligned.
Oral Presentation of Paper: by MS-OFFICE POWER POINT® presentation (7 Minutes duration and 3 minutes for audience interaction)
Poster Presentation of Paper: Size of Poster 90 cm (vertical) X 90cm (horizontal) Arrangements for the display of posters will be made at the conference venue.
- The official language of the conference is English.
- All submissions must be by email to the mail ID mentioned in the official website of the conference Click Here
- The manuscript must be submitted as an MS WORD® document file.
- The paper size should be in A4 with all margins at 1 inch each.
- The full-length paper should have a maximum of 3500 words including diagrams, figures and tables etc.
- The full-length paper must have the conventional components of a research paper viz. Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment and References
Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 12-point, bold and centre aligned.
Leave a blank line after the title.
- Names of authors: Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, normal and centre-aligned. Do not provide rank e.g. Dr., Prof., etc. In case there is more than one author, the name of the presenting author should be underlined. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk (*) after the name.
- Provide affiliation of the corresponding author after the authors' name in Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, normal and centre-aligned.
ABSTRACT: The abstract should be a summary of the paper (maximum 300 words excluding characters). It should briefly explain the origin of the problem, methodology, significant observations and results. The abstract must provide a definite conclusion of the work with the proposed application of the findings. Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 12-point, normal, single spaced and justified alignment.
- Keywords (not more than five), Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 11-point, Italics and left aligned.
Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 12-point, normal, in single space and justified alignment.
Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Acknowledgment should be Sub-headings in upper case and bold. Graphics and pictures should be prepared in black and white. For titles of tables, graphics and pictures, Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 10-point, normal, in single space. All abbreviations used should comply with the standard usage norms. Abbreviations should be given in full format at the place where they are used first. SI units should be used wherever applicable. References within the text must be referred to in parenthesis giving the second name of the author(s) with the year. For e,g. (Menon S., 2003) or (Menon S., and Hopkins J., 1998) or (Menon et al, 2005). Do not give page numbers for the full-length paper.
- Font - Times New Roman, Font size - 12-point, normal, in single space and left aligned.
- Complete references should be alphabetically arranged. The format for listing references is as follows;
- Kurita, T. and Makino, Y. (2013); Novel curcumin oral delivery systems; Anticancer Research, Vol, 33(7), pp 2807 – 2821.
- Evans WC. (1997); Trease and Evans' Pharmacognosy, 14th ed. W. B. Saunders, London,: 363-64.
- The Merck Index, 10th ed.; pp 284–285, pp 1077–1078. ( ronal.pepper/piperine/mi.piperine.txt)