International Conference On “Millets 2023” : A Transdisciplinary Approach To Its Resurgence & Sustainability

Millets are a collective group of small seeded annual grasses and are believed to be among the earliest domesticated plants, which have long served as traditional staple crops for millions of farmers. Millets form a relatively inexpensive source of nutrition especially to the underprivileged population of the world. Over the years notwithstanding the wide range of benefits that millets provide, they have largely been missing from the staple crops due to inadequate knowledge of their benefits compounded by changing dietary habits. In the recent years, lot of efforts have been taken by various government, and non- government organizations to promote millets as an important dietary choice especially to ensure food security for all. In this context, it is significant to note that the proposal of Government of India to United Nations for declaring 2023 as International Year of Millets was supported by 72 countries and United Nations' General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2023 as International Year of Millets on 5th March, 2021. The resolution declaring 2023 as the International Year of Millets calls on all stakeholders to provide support to activities aimed at raising awareness thereof and framing and directing policies with respect to nutritional and health benefits of millet consumption, and their suitability for cultivation under adverse and changing climatic conditions, while also directing policy attention to improve value chain efficiencies. Helping millets make a comeback is not just popularization of a neglected and underutilized crop but also an effort to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) – mainly SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 3 (good health and well-being), SDG 12 (sustainable consumption and production), and SDG 13 (climate action). In the search for climate resilient solutions, millets could be a crucial link in sustaining the food supply chain especially for the less privileged nations. With this conference, we hope to reach out to maximum number of stakeholders at global level and help in disseminating the knowledge gained through these deliberations to support production and consumption of millets, coupled with enhanced consumer awareness of their nutritional and health benefits. The conference aims to showcase millets as a viable and sustainable alternative to modern cash crops.

Objectives of the Conference

  • To provide a platform to discuss and deliberate upon the significance of Millets and how it impacts food chain in India.
  • To recognise the use of millets historically as an integral part of Indian diet and revive and reconnect millets with art and culture of India.
  • To identify challenges and thereby provide solutions for making millets accessible to the masses so as to ensure nutritional as well as food security.
  • To comprehend the business and economic environment so as to look for business opportunities in cultivation, processing and marketing millets at national and global level.
  • To introspect into the issues of food insecurity for defense personnel and propose solutions to meet their nutritional needs so as to ensure their mental and physical health as well as readiness for national security.
  • To educate all the stakeholders and spread awareness about the innovative ways of cultivation and recent trends in bioprospecting of millets at national and international level.
  • To provide suggestions to the policymakers, research organisations, government agencies through the research paper presentation and experiences shared during the conference.


Target Participants

  • Policymakers
  • Academicians
  • Scientists
  • Research institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Food and agro industry
  • Nutritionists
  • Students
  • Stakeholders engaged in production, consumption and marketing of millets in India and abroad


Event Highlights

  • International Conference: Meet the globally recognized experts in the area of millets.
  • Panel Discussion: Get insights from experts how millets will impact economy, agriculture, nutrition and research
  • Networking: Network for research, business promotion, and policy making.
  • Start-up Exhibits: Get exposure of newly established start-ups in the area of millets.
  • Scientific Leads: Know the current trends in the area of millet research, food security policies and food economy growth.
  • Nutrition and Well-being: Know the benefits of nutricereals in your daily diet.
  • Business Opportunities: Get inspired and explore amazing ideas for new business venture


Message from Librarian

Rising  to the spirit of  the   United Nations pronouncing  2023 as International Year of Millets to support Sustainable Development Goals,  S.P. MANDALI’S Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Mumbai is organizing an International Conference on "Millets 2023" -A Transdisciplinary Approach To Its Resurgence & Sustainability
Calling all Policymakers, Academicians, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Food industry  and Stakeholders to join us On 30th & 31st January, 2023  at Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College,Mumbai.

The conference aims to explore   the socio-economic and agricultural aspects of millets and reconnect with the traditional art and culture of millets in India. Come, Join us to meet the global experts in millets, explore business opportunities and  Learn the  dynamics of millets as nutri cereals

Speakers & Panelists

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