Admission 2024-25
ruia lank

S P Mandali’s

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College  

Examination, Assessment & Evaluation Rules 

Theory and Practical Examinations


1. Scheme of Evaluations

1.1 Continuous Internal Assessment (40%) (CIA)

1.2 Semester End Examination (60%)(SEE)

1.1 Continuous Internal Assessment (40%)

1.1.1   Two CIA per Semester of   20 marks each

1.1.2 There will be no retests for the CIAs. 

1.1.3 A special CIA can be held by the departments, on instructions from the Principal, under the following conditions:  If the Principal allows a student to represent the College or to participate in an academic / cultural / sports event and this causes the student to miss a CIA Test (of one or more courses)  If, just prior to or during a CIA, a student is stricken by a serious illness, the medical papers have been submitted to the College within two days & been verified by the College.  If there has been a bereavement (of an immediate family member) occurs. (Note: In this case the Death Certificate of the departed and the Parent's note will have to be given to the College within 2 days of returning to College).

2. Semester End Examination (60 %) 

2.1 Duration: 2 Hours for UG and 2.5 Hours for PG programmes

2.2 The student shall obtain minimum of 40% marks overall in each of the courses to pass. Maximum 40 marks for Internal class Test in which qualifying marks will be   16 and Maximum 60 marks for Semester End Exam in which qualifying marks will be 24. 

2.3 For the BVoc programme, it is mandatory for students to pass the skill components of both, the CIA as well as the SEE for all the courses

3. If a student fails to score qualify marks in both (CIA and SEE) the student will have to appear for the ATKT 100 marks paper in the subsequent semester and for the CIA marks obtained in the ongoing semester in that course.

4. Students will be allowed to appear for the ATKT examination for maximum three  turns under the same syllabus. The students will have to appear under the new syllabus after completion of three turns of ATKT examination.

5. Additional Examination for Semester EndAn additional Semester End Examination of 60 marks will be held for any student who has appeared for the CIAs but not for the SEE, under the following circumstances:

5.1 If the Principal allows a student to represent the College or to participate in an academic / cultural / sports event that is held during the Semester End Examination

5.2 If a student is stricken by a serious illness, the medical papers submitted to the College within two days & these have been verified by the College.  

5.3 If there has been a bereavement of an immediate family member. (Note: In this case the Death Certificate of the departed and the Parent's note will have to be given to the College within 2 days of returning to College).

5.4 Additional examination  will be conducted after the completion of Semester End Examination

6. Rules of Evaluation for Semester end Examination

6.1 For FY & SY Courses, there will be a Single Evaluation with moderation as per norms below:


No of papers moderated



5% moderation

Students failing by 10% of aggregate marks of that paper (18-23 marks for a 60 mark paper) 


5% moderation

Students securing 60% and above of aggregate marks of that paper (36 and above marks for a 60 mark paper)


20% moderation

Students securing between 24-35 marks (for a 60 mark paper)

6.2 If the moderator finds a problem with the evaluation, the number of papers moderated can be increased, in consultation with the Principal. In case there is a change of more than 15% of total marks assigned to a paper, a blind moderation by a second moderator will be performed and these marks will be accepted as final marks

6.3 For TY & MSc Courses, there will be Double Blind Evaluation by an internal examiner and an external examiner. Average of the two scores shall be awarded to the student. If there is a change of more than 15% of the marks assigned to the paper in 30% or more of the total papers, a third blind evaluation will be done and these marks will be accepted as final marks.

7. Practical Examinations:

7.1 Practical Component for every course will be for 50 marks and will include

7.1.1Continuous Internal Assessment (40% i.e 20 marks) for all UG         programs and some PG programs                 

7.1.2 CIA will include 5 marks for Journal & 15 marks for experimental work Semester End Examination (60% i.e 30 marks)

7.2 All practical journals will have to be certified by the Faculty In charge and Head of the Department, for which 75% attendance is mandatory. Students without certified journals will not be allowed to appear for practical examinations

7.3 A student will have to appear for practical for all the courses they have opted for

7.4 Student is required to get 40% of the total marks for that practical course, for passing i.e20 / 5040 / 100 60 /150 

7.5 If a student is absent in the Practical Examination, the student will appear for the practical  examination along with the next batch of students appearing for the same.

7.6 Evaluation for Practical Examination

7.6.1 CIA for practical will be conducted during the semester by the faculty in charge. Students may be informed in the beginning of the semester that they will be marked for their practical skills, any time during the course of the semester.

7.6.2  Semester end Practical Examination will be held at the end of the Semester and final marks of CIA & SEE will be submitted to the Examination section as a total.

8. Norms for Grace marks:

8.1 Grace marks for passing: Up to a maximum 1% of the Grand Total per semester can be added to any Course(s) to fulfill the passing norms.

8.2 Marks for Award of Class: Up to 1% will be added to the Grand Total to obtain distinction provided the student has not obtained grace marks for passing in any Course. (Note: this applies only to the final Consolidated Marksheet).

8.3 A student will be entitled for 10 Grace Marks, which will be added to his / her Even Semester Mark sheet in the academic year when he / she represented the College in sports, NCC , NSS or cultural activities and were among the winners (1st, 2nd or Runners-up) or have reached the quarter finals of any competition held by the University of Mumbai.

8.4There are no Grace Marks awarded for the ATKT Examination.

9. Grading System


9.1.1 A 10-Point Grade System is adopted – it involves calculations for a Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and the final Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

9.1.2 Mark sheets are issued per Semester & per Additional Examination.

9.1.3 Those students who do not register for the Additional Examination within the stipulated period will not be permitted to appear for the concerned examination(s).

9.1.4 Those students who fail in Courses adding up to 4F (not more than 2F in each semester) or less, in an academic year, will be ‘Allowed to Keep Terms’ (ATKT) and appear for the ATKT Examination(s) in the subsequent Semester, for programmes where the maximum total marks for the semester is 900 or less.

9.1.5Where the maximum total marks for the semester is above 900, ATKT will be permitted to students who fail in upto 6F (not more than 3F in each semester)

9.1.6 Those students who fail in Courses more than that mentioned above, will be declared fail for that year

9.1.7 For being eligible to take admission in Semester V, students should have cleared all four Semesters or should have cleared either Semesters  I & II or Semesters III & IV completely and have ATKT in either the first year semesters or second year semesters9.1.8The Semester VI results of any student will not be declared until that student has cleared all the Courses from Semesters I to V.

9.2 Rules and Procedure for the Revaluation of the Answer –books  

9.2.1  A student who is not satisfied with the evaluation of his / her paper in any Course, can apply (by the date notified on the Examination Notice Board), for a photo-copy and / or a re-evaluation of the answer paper.

9.2.2 If the re-evaluation reveals a (+ / -) 10% or greater difference, an average of the first evaluation and of the re-evaluation will be the final score awarded.

9.2.3  If the re-evaluation reveals a less than (+ / -) 10% then the original marks will be retained.This revaluation facility shall be for theory papers only of all the Examinations.Under these rules the revaluation of answer books shall not be permitted in respect ofi) The marks awarded to the scripts of practical examination /sessional work/ project work /dissertation /internal assessment / term work (including theory part) and in viva voce /oral/practical presentation     

9.2.4 Error(s) in the marksheet (i.e., change in name, marks, SGPA, CGPA) have to be brought to the notice of the General Office via the Principal / Vice-Principal within 30 days of the distribution of the marksheets.  

9.2.5 No changes in the marksheet will be entertained after the lapse of these 30 days.Students are requested to collect mark sheet within 30 days after distribution of mark sheet, otherwise penalty will be levied.

ADDENDUM:Any rule not mentioned above will be as per University rules, as applicable then.