Admission 2024-25
ruia lank


To lead as a globally acclaimed Centre for Advanced Knowledge Creation, Research and Innovation with inclusivity and human values at its core and contribute to nation-building by transforming students into life-long learners who can meet the challenges and demands of the global society


To institutionalize practices that create a conducive environment where innovation flourishes; interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary knowledge is created and productive research is supported to cater to diverse educational needs and inculcate universal human values.

To foster generic and life skills that facilitate multi-dimensional growth of students to become informed global citizens capable of adapting and contributing to societal and global needs


  • To develop and conduct academic programs that enhance competencies in learners for inquiry, research, problem-solving, and communicating effectively.
  • To collaborate with regional and global premier research institutions, organizations, and businesses to strengthen the education and research culture.
  • To provide high-quality, affordable, and inclusive education to all sections of society, including various differently privileged groups.
  • To foster academic and research experiences, develop infrastructure, and facilitate internships and recruitment opportunities.
  • To facilitate capacity building of learners and the teaching fraternity by encouraging creativity, adaptability, and collaboration.
  • To inculcate skills amongst learners and support their career building towards successful employment/entrepreneurship.
  • To educate and create awareness amongst the learners about their ethical responsibilities and empathy towards family, society, and the environment, making them conscious global citizens and leaders of the future.

Graduate Attributes

The graduate attributes reflect the particular quality and features or characteristics of an individual, including the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values expected to be acquired by a graduate through studies at the Higher Education Institution.

Characteristic attributes that a graduate should demonstrate are as follows:

  • Disciplinary knowledge: Capability of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and understanding, as well as the applicability of one or more disciplines that form a part of a graduate program.
  • Critical and creative thinking and problem-solving: Capability to critically analyze and evaluate ideas, practices, and policies; formulate coherent arguments and draw valid conclusions. Capability to extrapolate and apply one’s learning to real-life situations with sensibility, sensitivity, and reflexivity.
  • Information/digital literacy: Capability to use ICT in a variety of learning situations, demonstrate the ability to access, evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information sources; and use appropriate software for analysis of data.
  • Research related skills: Capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, problematizing, synthesizing, and articulating. Capability to formulate hypotheses, test, plan and execute, analyze and interpret results, and draw conclusions from data.
  • Professional skills and understanding: Ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively and confidently both orally and in writing. Ability to work independently, responsibly, and manage a project through to completion. Ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams in the interests of a common cause.
  • Multicultural competence and global awareness: Possess knowledge of the values and beliefs of multiple cultures, and capability to effectively engage in a multicultural society and interact respectfully and empathetically with diverse groups.
  • Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning: Ability to embrace moral/ethical values and use ethical practices in all work. Capability for appreciating environmental and sustainability issues, and adopting objective, unbiased, and truthful actions in all aspects of work.
  • Leadership readiness and Entrepreneurship: Capability to think innovatively and creatively and be enterprising. Capability to formulate an inspiring vision, build a team for its execution, motivate and inspire team members to engage with that vision, and use management skills to guide people to the right destination.
  • Enquiry and Lifelong learning: Ability to seek knowledge and skills through the process of research and inquiry, using a self-paced and self-directed learning approach for personal development. Ability to adapt to changing trades and demands of the workplace.