Students Achievements


International Summer Undergraduate Research Programme

Niharika Jaokar from SYBA Commerce was a selected as a research scholar and completed  an International Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (iSURI) at Westchester University, Pennsylvania, USA,  from 27th  May 2019 to 19th  July 2019.



A small research project was undertaken by students of SYBA Commerce class who conducted a  Survey on Retail Urban Entrepreneurs. This project gave them exposure on how to prepare questionnaire and the  survey gave them exposure on how to carry out interaction and data collection. Students found this activity very interesting and learnt the problems and challenges of small retailers.


  • Student Research  Paper Presentation 


  1. Niharika Jaokar from SYBA Commerce was selected in the ‘Selection Round’ in the 14th   Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department AVISHKAR RESEARCH CONVENTION: 2019-2020 in the category: Humanities, Languages and Fine Arts for UG level. The title of her research paper ‘Relevance and effectiveness of alternate side (odd-even) parking’ presented on 14th December 2019.
  2. 2.       Niharika Jaokar from SYBA Commerce presented a paper in three day inter-collegiate research paper competition –‘E-shodh online research meet’ held by Jai Hind College, Mumbai on 11th May to 13th May 2020. Paper title was ‘Financial Measures in response to COVID 19 and their impact on Poverty’.


  1. A research paper titled “Investors Speculation regarding the stock market during Covid-19 pandemic in India” was jointly presented by Kirthi Kamath and Sakshi Pethe at a Student Research National Research Level Conference conducted by Gurunanak College, Sion, Mumbai on 5th April 2021.
  2. A research paper titled “Impact of Sensory Marketing on consumer purchase decisions and its implementation in Covid-19” was jointly presented by Rutvi Savla, Manasi Raghuram and Swastika Suresh at a Student Research National Research Level Conference conducted by Gurunanak College, Sion, Mumbai on 5th April 2021.



  1. SYBA Commerce students Ms. Surabhi Joshi and Ms. Anushka Phadnis jointly presented and secured the second position for a research paper titled “Impact of COVID-19 on Laptop Usage in the ITC Sector” in the Commerce and Management discipline at Quaesitio 2022-23, a Multi-Disciplinary Online International Conference organized by the Research Cell and IQAC of St. Stephen’s College, Uzhavoor in association with Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerela on 16th December 2022.

  1. TYBA Commerce students Ms. Jui Bhave and Ms. Anusree Chettiar jointly presented a research paper titled “Perception of Human Resource in Media” in the Commerce and Management discipline at Quaesitio 2022-23, a Multi-Disciplinary Online International Conference organized by the Research Cell and IQAC of St. Stephen’s College, Uzhavoor in association with Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerela on 16th December 2022.

  1. SYBA Commerce Students Ms. Manasvi Agharkar, Ms. Sakshi Shah, Ms. Aaryaa Rane, and Ms. Rujula Kulkarni jointly presented a research paper titled “Perception and Willingness towards the Covid-19 Booster Vaccine in Mumbai City” in Commerce, Management and Law Category at 17th Aavishkar: Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Departement Research Convection (Zonal Round) organized by the University of Mumbai at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science, Marine Lines, Mumbai on 15th December 2022



  1. Mr. Rakshit Lalit Srivastava, student of SYBA Commerce class, presented a research paper titled " Merchant Discount Rate (MDR): Proposed Financial Model for strengthening UPI ecosystem in India", in a research paper competition "Aavishkar: Inter-Collegiate / Institute / Department Research Convention (Zonal Round)" University of Mumbai at Lala Lajpat Rai College of Commerce and Economics, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai on December 9, 2023, for Mumbai I zone.
  2. Mr. Rakshit Lalit Srivastava, student of SYBA commerce class presented a research paper titled ' Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) - A robust revenue generating tool for enhancing cost-effectiveness of UPI - A proposed Model for strengthening Digital Ecosystem in India' in a two day "International Law & Management Research Conference on 'The Business Environment, Governance & Sustainability, Ethical Practices & Compliances in the Dynamic Global Markets" which was held on 1st and 2nd  September, 2023. This conference was held by Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Financial & Management Studies in collaboration with University of Mumbai Law Academy.
  3. Ms. Sanmi Pawar, student of  SYBA Commerce course participated and presented a research paper titled ‘Carbon Credits: A Means to Salvage the Indian Economy?’ under the subtheme- Environmental Studies in the Two-Day National Student Conference (Online) conducted by S K Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 26th & 27th February 2024.
  4. Mr. Rakshit Lalit Srivastava, presented a research paper titled ' Analysis of Recently Developed Digital Microfinance Systems'  at the 'National Student Conference (Two Days Online) Exploring Interdisciplinary Research Landscapes in Environmental Studies, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, and English language and literature' which was organized by S K Somaiya College of Arts, Science & Commerce on 26th and 27th  February, 2024.
  5. Ms. Gayathri Murari student of  SYBA commerce course secured consolation prize for her  research paper titled “Comparative analysis of energy and automobile indices of BSE and NSE” at the National Virtual Paper Presentation Competition titled ‘Research Enclave On Changing  Trends in Commerce, Management and Information Technology’ organized by BMS department jointly with IQAC of   Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce and Science on Wednesday 28th February, 2024.


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