Department Activities


Department of Commerce of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai conducted a webinar called “SYNERGY” which is an interaction webinar with ex-students of Ruia college till SYBA and TYBA. The speaker was Ms. Jankeesh Sandhu who is an alumnus of the college and has been a student of commerce till SYBA, having graduated with Economics in TYBA. The webinar was conducted on 21st October, 2020 from 6:30pm- 7:30pm. Feedback from the participants was collected through feedback forms. Through the feedback form we were able to analyse the usefulness of this webinar.

Overall, the participants received the webinar positively and appreciated the  input provided through the presentation. In all 36 students attended the webinar, with 28 (77.8%) female participants and 8 (22.2%) male participants. All the participants who attended the webinar were from the college, with 16(45.7%) students from first year, 15(42.9%) students from second year and 4 (11.4%) students from the third year.


  • The Department of Commerce of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai conducted a webinar on two topics ‘Opportunities in Social Work Education – The Local and Global Perspectives’ by Dr. Rajendra Baikady Ph.D., PDF (China), Golda Meir Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and, Senior Research Associate (SRA),Department of Social Work, University of Johannesburg, South Africa and ‘Understanding Labour Challenges’ by Dr.Sumeet Mhaskar M.A, M.Phil (JNU), D.Phil (University of Oxford) Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Student Affairs) Jindal School of Government and Public Policy O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, NCR of Delhi, India Research Partner, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany, on 31st May, 2020.


  • Joint webinar conducted by Department of Commerce and Department of Economics "Chemicals to Pills: Economics of Pharmaceuticals" by Dr. Sasikumar Menon, Director, Institute for Advance Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences & Associate Professor, Pharma Analytical Sciences. Kaushal Kendra, Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, on 10th June, 2020.


  • As IQAC Member Organised One day National Seminar  on “Research writing and Enhancing Visibility” for Ruia college IQAC & Library on 21st May 2020.


Jointly organised a RUSA sponsored webinar on “Gender Issues in Covid 19” for faculty members on 20th July 2020 from 11.00 A.M. To 1.00 P.M on Online Platform: MICROSOFT TEAMS


TOPIC 1: Gender Issues –various dimensions’’ 

Speaker: Dr. Geetali V.M. 

Retd. Faculty, Department of Chemistry,

Fergusson College, Pune &

Founder Member and Advisor of Nari

Samata Manch since 1985 &

Editor, Milun Sarya Jani

& Purush Uvach Initiative. 


TOPIC 2: ‘Issues of Sex workers and Transgenders ’ 

Speaker: Ms. Meena Seshu  

Master in Social Works ( Social Welfare

Administration), TISS &

General Secretary of the Sampada

Grameen Mahila Sanstha [SANGRAM],

A Health and Human Rights NGO 


Objective of the webinar:

  • To understand the issues and challenges of COVID-19 on women, girls, men, transgenders and commercial sex workers.
  • To inculcate a gender-sensitive approach in response to the pandemic.
  • To acquaint various facets of problems posed by the pandemic and  generate  response and awareness.



Outcome of the webinar

  1. The Webinar was received positively by the participants as the resource persons unfolded many issues faced by women and grave challenges faced by  transgenders and  sex workers in particular.
  2. Participants found both speakers' discussion very useful and drew lot of insights gender issues. Both the sessions were highly informative and enlightening.
  3. The presentation and the relevance of the session to  current scenario was excellent.
  4. Awareness and impact was created with respect to problems, challenges and issues of women, transgenders and sex workers.



 Overall, the  participants appreciated the presentations and inputs provided through the presentations. In all 104 people attended the webinar with  77 (74%) female participants and 27 (25%) were male participants comprising of Faculty  members viz. 85 Senior College and 19 Junior College respectively.  


The Department of Commerce of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai conducted a webinar called 'Basics of Capital Market' through a digital student interaction program organized on February 9th, 2021 for   SYBA Commerce Students.

The speaker was Mr. Raju Madaswamy ,founder of MachInfini Institute training in capital markets. He  talked about how to conduct trading on capital markets, also gave live trading glimpses and informed about the basics of stock and capital market.

Overall, the participants received the webinar positively and appreciated the input provided through the presentation. A total of 32 students attended the webinar, out of which 27  were females and 5 were males. All the attendees were from Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College and were second year and first year students.


Most of the students found the webinar to be very useful, informative and interesting.They found the session to make them understand the importance of investing early in life and also key concepts in stock market             

According to the participants, the Overall Management of the Event was excellent.


The Department of Commerce of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai conducted a webinar called “SYNERGY” which is an interaction webinar with ex-students of Ruia college till SYBA and TYBA. The speaker was Ms Vaishnavi Pawar who is an alumnus of the college and has been a student of commerce till SYBA, having graduated with Economics in TYBA. She talked about a research she conducted on ‘Impact of Bathing Space on the Lives of the Rural Woman in India’. The webinar was conducted on 27th October, 2020 from 9:30 am to 10:25 am and  on 31st October from 10:35am to 11:25am. Feedback from the participants was collected through feedback forms.

Overall, the participants received the webinar positively and appreciated the input provided through the presentation. A total of 61 students attended the webinar, out of which 85.2%  (52) were females and 14.8% (9) were males. All the attendees were from Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College and were second year and first year students.

The Department of Commerce and Department of Botany of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai, jointly  conducted a webinar called “SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN INDIA- WHY DOES IT NOT SCALE-UP” which is an interactive webinar with the students of Ruia college. Ms Vaishnavi Pawar who is an alumnus of the college and has been a student of commerce till SYBA, having graduated with Economics in TYBA, was invited as Guest speaker. The webinar was conducted on 29th October 2020 from 9:30 am to 10:40 am. Feedback from the participants was collected through feedback forms. The data obtained from the  feedback form has been presented as under:

Overall, the participants received the webinar positively and appreciated the input provided through the presentation. A total of 52 students attended the webinar, out of which 82.7% (43) were females and 17.3% (9) were males. Most of the attendees were from Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College with 1 attendee from Gyaankendra and 1 from Nagaland University. All students were first, second and final year students. This webinar was also attended by the commerce and biotech faculty.


Department of Economics & Department of Commerce conducted  Guest Lecture on "Chemicals to Pills: Economics of Pharmaceuticals" by an eminent researcher and an expert in this field Dr. Shashikumar Menon on 10th June 2020.


 The Department of Commerce of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai conducted a webinar called 'Basics of Capital Market' through a digital student interaction program organized on February 9th, 2021 for   SYBA Commerce Students.

The speaker was Mr. Raju Madaswamy ,founder of MachInfini Institute training in capital markets. He  talked about how to conduct trading on capital markets, also gave live trading glimpses and informed about the basics of stock and capital market.

Overall, the participants received the webinar positively and appreciated the input provided through the presentation. A total of 32 students attended the webinar, out of which 27  were females and 5 were males. All the attendees were from Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College and were second year and first year students.

The Department of Commerce of S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga, Mumbai conducted an activity for the students of TYBA and SYBA on the occasion of National Youth Day. 12th January is the Birth Date of the Swami Vivekananda. This year, our college is Virtually celebrating National Youth day. This year National Youth Day was celebrated and the topic chosen was “Channelizing Youth Power for Nation Building” 


The activity was held in the form of presentation by the students of SYBA and TYBA based on the theme. The speakers were,

  1. Maitri Vikram Singh (SYBA)
  2. Rutvika Kondwilkar (TYBA)
  3. Manasi Raghuram (SYBA)
  4. Swasthika Suresh (SYBA)


The speakers covered a wide range of topics starting from Swami Vivekananda and cultural transference, his take on nation building, women empowerment and finally his message to the youth of India.


A webinar on “Logistics and Supply Chain Management” was conducted on 23 rd

February 2021. The talk was delivered by Mr. Umang Shukla, Co-founder @ Edgistify.


Guest Lectures

  • The Department of Commerce organized a lecture for  students on ‘Digital Marketing’ and careers in Digital Marketing on 12th September 2017 . MsIndrilaVerma, Faculty from Pearl Academy guided the students on this upcoming field.

Workshops Organized

  • The Department of Commerce and MSc Computer Science organized an Inter-departmental workshop on “Tally ERP Systems” on 8th August 2014.  Prof. BhanudasPanmand from Hinduja college of Science and Commerce, Mumbai,  conducted the workshop.
  • An Aptitude Test was conducted for 40 students of  SYBA and TYBA Commerce Course to identify the careers they are interested in. This was conducted by using an app based test for which tablets were provided to the students. This activity was conducted with the assistance of Pearl Academy.

Educational Visits

  • On 12th December, 2014, Department of commerce organised a visit to ITM- Institute of Financial Markets, kharghar which hosted a workshop on ‘Trading on Simulated Securities’ (TOSS) which enabled the students to learn trading in stocks with hands on experience. The session was conducted by the faculties of ITM-IFM wherein they gave insights to the students as how the stock market works, access critical information with the use of technology, guidelines provided as how to invest in market, mitigate risk, understanding the trade cycle and uses of technology.The session was highly appreciated by all the 42 students who attended the session





Dec 2017


SYBA Commerce Student

Presented Paper Titled: ‘Transformer of Real Estate’  at National Conclave: One day student’s Research National Conclave ‘Recent Reforms in the Taxation, Real Estate and Banking Sectors in India’, at LaxmichandGolwala College of Commerce and Economics, Ghatkopar, Mumbai, dated 9th December 2017

February 2016

Ms. AkankshaBhende, student of FYBA commerce

Presented a paper titled ‘Globalisation and Changing Purchase Behaviour of Indian Consumers’ in a two-day National Level Conference for students titled ‘Contemporary Social Issues in India’ and paper presentation competition held  by Department of Sociology and Social Science Association of S.K.Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce held on 9th and 10th February, 2016

January 2015

YahsikaDoshi and LavanyaSarkar,  students of SYBA commerce class

participated and presented a paper titled ‘Emerging trends in Life Insurance’ in a one-day inter-collegiate paper presentation competition held  by Department of Commerce, Pillai College of Arts, commerce and Science, New Panvel on 15thJanuary, 2015



July 2013

GauriPednekar and PiyushaDahiwalikar, students from SYBA class

Participated in a poster making competition in a national seminar titled ‘Financial Inclusion: A step towards inclusive growth’ organised by M.D. College, Parel on 15thJuly 2013.

December 2012

Vagishvandana Student of SYBA

Presented a research paper titled ‘Social Entrepreneurship’ at International Research Conference: “Entrepreneurship” on 8th December 2012,  conducted by  Dr. D.Y.Patil University, Navi Mumbai


June 2013

Ms. VagishvandanaPandey

CAFRALinternship awarded from May to June 2013. The Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL) is an independent body set up by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Governor of RBI is the Chairman of the Governing Council of C

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