Activities Organized

  1. Orientation Session held by Faculty coordinator to let students know more details about Ruia Green Club.
  2. Ruia Green Club was officially inaugurated in the college auditorium by our principal. Talks of several people were arranged.
    1. The first talk was given by Mr. Lisbon Ferrao and his family on the topic “Why should we care?”. The Ferrao family is truly a power family, responsible for starting weekly beach cleaning drives in Vasai, joined by others eventually, that has successfully been able to clear 650 tonnes of plastic in 6 years.
    2. Second talk was delivered by Ms. Ricarda Redekar, a German working in Mumbai, co-founder of “Project Plastic Extinction”, an NGO that works towards raising awareness about consequences of single use plastic, solutions to create 100% recycled plastic, and make small but sustainable changes in one’s life.
    3. The event was concluded by Ms. Priyanka Shendage, Youth engagement consultant for UNICEF, part of the team running MYCA: Maharashtra Youth for Climate Action. She briefed the audience about the MYCA initiative and later engaged in an interactive conversation with Ruia Green Club Members.
    4. Mounting of a unique “Bee Hotel” on our college campus for different species of Solitary Bees. This provides them with spaces for making their nests as their natural habitats are on the decline due to Deforestation. It's a small responsibility from our end towards conservation of species, both flora and fauna.

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