
About Us

The Department of Botany is one of the oldest departments, instituted with the birth of the college. Being established in 1937, it was headed by an Internationally renowned floral anatomist- Prof (Dr.) V.S. Rao, followed by Dr.Kusum Gupte, Prof. B.P. Sunderrajan and so on. The department was always considered as the Temple of Botany under the University of Mumbai.

The department offers UG courses from 1937 and PG from 1940. There is a strong legacy of research with stalwarts such as Dr. V.S. Rao, Dr. A.R. Kulkarni, Dr.Behnaz Patel and Dr.Sunita Shailajan as research guides. Under UG at present Horticulture and Gardening is offered as the Applied component and Under PG, Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Plant biotechnology is offered as specialization.

The Department has the honour of the ‘Star Status’ and is a ‘Highly rated department’ from Department of Biotechnology, GOI. The faculty of the department are highly qualified and have 5 recognised Research guides with the following thrust areas: Plant Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Mycology, Phytoremediation, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Algal Biotechnology and Phytochemistry. The Department has undertaken various major and minor research projects funded by different funding agencies at University level/ State Level/ National Level.

The Department of Botany focuses on training students in the field of plant sciences and conducts various workshops and Popular Science lectures. The Department celebrates its signature festival ‘Kingdom Plantae’ With a relevant theme every year. Alumni from the Department are renowned academicians and scientists in Institutes within and outside Mumbai.

Department Features

  • Innovative Teaching-Learning – Through Activity.
  • Teaching Systematic Botany – as Explore, Experiment and Excel.
  • Departmental Library, Herbarium, Museum.
  • Talks by Experts.
  • Kingdom Plantae- Departmental Association, as an effort to enhance the Teaching Learning Process.
  • Nurturing Environmental Morality.
  • Moulding Individuals into Responsible Citizens with a Desire to Serve the Society.
  • Interdisciplinary approach.
  • Skill based program.
  • Social responsibilities.
  • Training for teachers of mofussil Colleges to design and implement more laboratory based training within current syllabi.
  • Taking care of trees: Hindu Colony, Parsi Colony and Mahim Nature Park etc.
  • Orientation to School students in Botany.


●       To emerge as a leading department in higher learning and research with expertise in frontier areas of Botany.
●       To impart in-depth knowledge in the field of botany to build scientific curiosity, research aptitude and make ready the students to face competitive exams and  take up further studies.
●       To impart generic skills necessary to fulfill their role in family,  contemporary society, environment and  love for nature
●       To establish linkage with eminent institutes /industry for further advancement of the students.


Best Practices

Innovative Teaching-Learning – Through participatory learning- Projects/ case studies/Exhibition/ ICT/Departmental festival

Interdisciplinary approach

Arranging guest lectures/ Skill based workshops

Remedial teaching

Institutional Social Responsibilities

Educational excursions and industry visits


Activities of the Department

The department organises special lectures from various areas in Botany delivered by eminent personalities, thus enhancing knowledge of recent developments in the field. As a part of skill development activity, workshops on molecular biology, research methodology, plant taxonomy and horticulture are conducted on a regular basis. In order to gain first-hand knowledge about plants in their natural habitats, Botanical excursions are organized for UG and PG students to study plant diversity and forest ecosystems. Visits to reputed research institutes and industry are conducted for students to experience industry settings and gain exposure to instrumentation and novel processes.
The department celebrates its annual signature festival ‘Kingdom Plantae’, arranged by students themselves under the guidance of faculty. Every year, it is based on a particular theme, drawn from current environmental issues or the International year mentioned by the UN. This provides a platform to students to hone their talents, present posters on the selected theme and polish public speaking skills. Inter-collegiate competitions are organised, empower students with the art of event management and inculcate the spirit of team-working, exposing them to upcoming fields in Botany apart from the syllabus. This activity helps to broaden their horizons of knowledge and also develop a healthy competitive spirit.


Message from Head of Department

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the Department of Botany, one of the oldest departments in the College with commendable service rendered by renowned botanists and academicians. The department takes a conscious effort to expand its teaching programme and research in advanced and traditional areas in Botany, with Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Plant Biotechnology as the specialisation at PG level.

The department has a highly accomplished faculty with varied research areas and committed support staff. The Department has a well equipped plant tissue culture laboratory, algal culture laboratory, library, herbarium, garden, orchidarium and fernery. Our team work towards the goal of providing innovative teaching-learning programs that build competencies in learners to evolve as skilled Botanists and conscious global citizens.

I welcome all our stakeholders to be a part of our journey towards being a leading department in higher learning and research in frontier areas of Botany.

Dr. Bhavna Narula
Head of the Department

Our Team

Dr. Bhavna Narula

Dr. Bhavna Narula

Dr. Manjusha Nikale

Dr. Manjusha Nikale

Mrs. Anjali S Lade

Mrs. Anjali S Lade

Dr. Sunil D Shankhadarwar

Dr. Sunil D Shankhadarwar



Ms. Akshada Parab

Ms. Akshada Parab

Mr. Ravinder Manejar Sah

Mr. Ravinder Manejar Sah

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