BACM Marathi

About Us

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College offers Mass Media Course in Marathi language. Since 2010 we are offering in-depth media education in Marathi language. Considering the increasing scope for Regional journalism, Public Relation Activities, Digital Space and allied areas we are committed to follow industry required teaching learning methodology. With the changing environment of new media we modify and upgrade our curriculum on very regular basis.


Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Mass Media Department we try to provide students with comprehensive knowledge of the nature of human media and communication at multiple levels of analysis. Our aim is to build strong students profile with broad contemporary knowledge and industry required skills at the end of graduation level. We follow conceptual approach, helping students build critical thinking and research skills to face challenges from the multiple careers they will pursue.


Best Practices

Use of IT tools in teaching.

E-Content development for various subjects.

Effective classroom management.

Involve students in learning by in house assignments.

Group Discussions and Brainstorming sessions.

Regular feedback and interaction with parents.


Activities of the Department

1)    The annual industrial visit to explore culture of a particular region. So far we have organized such visits to Kerala, Rajasthan, Karnataka, AndhraPradesh, Uttrakhand and Delhi. 

2)    Visit to the media houses, press, studios as per the course requirement.

3)    Department hosts Film Festival annually , 'Filmotsav'

4)    Citywalks to explore the flavors of city and its connection with academics.

5)    Live, practical on filed assignments for Journalism students.

6)    #विश्ववेध, a Lecture series in joint association with Observer Research Foundation.

7)    Guest sessions of photography, editing, script writing experts to meet the gap between academics and professional world.


Message from Head of Department

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College is cities premier educational institute. ‘Brand Ruia’ has a strong legacy of extraordinary teaching and learning. At Mass Media Marathi Department we strive to provide Media Education of industry standards. Experienced Faculty members and strong connection with Industry with more than twenty Visiting Faculties form industry we deliver the best ! Teaching and innovative goes hand in hand in our department. We do provide opportunities to students to get ready for job or own start up too ! We encourage more practical training and evaluation at every stage of course. As perfectly stated by Mark Twain “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” I would like to welcome students to the department. !

Our Team

Mr. Koustubh Joshi

Mr. Koustubh Joshi

Ms. Ashlesha Rangnekar

Ms. Ashlesha Rangnekar

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