
About Us

The Department of Philosophy is one of the oldest departments of Ruia College. Established in 1937 by Dr. N.V. Joshi, the department has grown to be an integral part of the holistic experience that Ruia offers. One of the famous western philosophers, Socrates, says that 'An unexamined life is not worth living'. And this is exactly what the department strives to help its students do. It engages its students in fun and thoughtfully curated activities throughout the year. Students from all departments enjoy attending Philosophy lectures hosted by the core faculty as well as the guest lecturers. The department is currently functioning under the able guidance of Dr. Himani Chaukar (HOD & Assoc. Prof), Mrs. Jyoti Waghmare (Asst. Prof), and Ms. Charuta Kulkarni (Asst. Prof). Right from informal philosophical discussion to field visits, the department covers it all and ensures that the students get their regular dose of insights, logic and thoughtfulness.


Imparting the knowledge of philosophical principles and practices to help inculcate critical thinking, rationality, logic and contribute in the making of global citizens that are accepting of challenges and adept at contributing to the society.


Best Practices

1)Regular use of new teaching techniques like POGIL, collaborative learning strategies etc.

2) One on one formal or informal counselling sessions with students as and when required.

3) Encouraging students to organize and attend various national and international seminars/workshops/guest lectures. 

4) Helping students to undertake various research projects and share their insights with their batch mates

5) Discussions that help students think about the real-life applications of the philosophical principles they learn in the class room.


Activities of the Department

The Department of philosophy throughout the year organises multiple Conferences and Seminars on Philosophical topics to enable the students develop a deeper understanding of the subject. The students are encouraged to participate in research paper competitions organised by various institutions and are taught to conduct research and write on various topics. In order to bring out the practical applicability of the course, Projects in the form of Drama, movie, essay, social projects are given to students. The department conducts two important events annualy -The Annual Dr. N.V Joshi Memorial Lecture and Annual Departmental Festival for the students - Reconquista on an intercollege level. The students are also taken for Field visits/Educational Trips to places of philosophical importance. The Department conducts several National/International Workshop in collaboration with different organizations. Additionally, Workshops on Practical aspects of Philosophy are conducted by the faculty. Regular guest Lectures by eminent scholars/industry experts are also organised. In order to understand the Philosophy of Yoga practically, regular talks and demonstrations on Yoga and Meditation are also conducted by the department.


Message from Head of Department

It gives me immense pleasure to virtually walk you through one of the oldest departments of Ruia College. The Dept. of Philosophy was established in 1937 by Dr. N. V. Joshi and has been thriving ever since. Every year, my team and I welcome a new batch of enthusiasts and introduce them to the intricate and beautiful world of philosophy. Our goal is to give them the experience of thought that philosophy offers, that touches them and encourages them to be critical, rational and thoughtful human beings. Socrates says that 'An unexamined life is not worth living'. And this is exactly what the department strives to help it's students do.

Our Team

Dr. Himani Chaukar

Dr. Himani Chaukar

Mrs. Jyoti P. Waghmare

Mrs. Jyoti P. Waghmare

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