
About Us

The Department of English was founded in 1937, right from the establishment of the college. In the past, distinguished academics like Jnyanpeeth Awardee Prof. V. D. Karandikar, Prof. V. M. Paranjape, Dr. K. Pakrasi, Prof. K. Shri Kumar, Indian English poet Prof. I. M. Jayakar, eminent Marathi writer and translator Prof.Sadanand Rege and Dr. Anjali Bhelande have been part of the department. Their presence has enriched the Department by creating a strong tradition of excellence. The Department aims at an interdisciplinary approach to Literary Studies with an inclusive teaching learning process. Under academic autonomy, the department has been engaged in implementing new structured syllabus aided with extracurricular activities. At the Department, we have activities like Reader's Club, Interdisciplinary Study Group and Film Club to encourage students to explore potential areas in literary studies. The department also conducts certificate courses titled Art of Imagination and Comprehension and Film Appreciation.

Moreover, we also host an annual inter-collegiate literary festival titled ‘Mad Hatters’. A wall magazine titled The Scribe and a Web Magazine titled “The Medley” are two major platforms of expression offered by the department. The Department has its own Departmental Library containing over 600 books. The library is catalogued and managed by the department students. To inculcate research aptitude, the department also avails thesis writing, case study and multimodal assignment for internal assessment guided by the faculty. The Department of English hosts annual study tour whereby the students and faculty visit historical places as well as educational hubs. The uniqueness of the English department lies in its expansive and inclusive approach to learning literary tradition through experiential methods. It includes activities like Daily Journal Writing, Free Hugs, Saturday Salon, Food Walks, and initiatives like Travel, Taste and Translation..


To promote literacy in English language.

To impart basic language learning skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.

To introduce students to the varied tools of literary study.

To strengthen their ability to analyze all forms of literary forms of expression such as poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama etc.

To empower them for better careers avenues and higher education in India and abroad.  

To inculcate in them democratic values of life through language and literature.   


Best Practices

Interactive, Imaginative & Value-Based Teaching-Learning-Evaluation

Student Feedback routed through IQAC 

Use of ICT: Zoom & Google meet for webinars and teaching learning; TYBA Google Group etc.

Use of Language Lab + Weekly Tutorials & Remedial Work

Departmental library 

Active ‘English Literary Association’

Readers' Club

Interdisciplinary Studies Discussion Group

Exclusive Annual Literary Festival, ‘Mad Hatters’ 

Special Wall-Magazine ‘Literati’• Talks by Experts + Career counseling + Mentoring

Study Tours- Jaipur Literary Festival• Extension Activity- Faculty and student involvement in NSS activities 

PhD Centre


Activities of the Department

Guest Lecture:As a part of Samanvay, on 2nd January 2020 the Department of English jointly with History Department conducted a workshop on "Research Methodology and Research Writing". It was an honour to have Dr. Saroja Ganpathy, an imminent faculty from Vellore Institute of Technology. A fun and interactive session helped students understand what research meant to be and what intricacies it involves. She acquainted them with various key terms such as research area, research problem, research tools, research methodologies etc. In short, it was a great learning experience for everyone. Annual Festival: On 3rd January 2020, the Department of English organised a Literary Fest called "MadHatters" with Dystopian Horror as its exclusive theme of this year. It was meant to be a reaction against the present-day society. The theme tried to cover the dystopian quality of the contemporary events happening around and bring to the surface their horrific effects on us.The following activities were successfully conducted on this occasion:

1. Open Mic Event- Each participant was given 4-5 min to speak on any topic he/she would want to. There was no restriction on the selection of the topic. 

2. Play enactment- The students enacted scenes from the play "Harvest" written by Manjula Padmanabhan. The play is concerned with the horrors of organ selling in India set in the near future. Apart from the events mentioned above, there was a sale of books and bookmarks. The students had also kept a Photo-booth where they could get their photos clicked using the many props made by them.  Guest Performance:A guest performance titled ‘Glimpses: Theatrical performance’ was organized on 23rd November 2019. Students (12-17 years old) from Aum Yash Kendra, a premier speech and drama institute in Prabhadevi, were invited to perform excerpts from various plays which are part of the English Literature curriculum.   Students of FYBA, SYBA, and TYBA- primarily those with English as an optional subject- attended the performance.   

Reader's Club:

1) Ripples: an Initiative to ‘Read, Recite, and Remember'Department took this initiative to inculcate the reading habit amongst students.  On 10th December 2019, the birth anniversary of Emily Dickinson, we held the inaugural session of Reader's Club; it was titled 'Ripples: an Initiative to Read, Recite, and Remember'. Interested students participated and recited their own poems as well as poems by their favourite authors.

2) Paint a Poem:The aim of the activity was to make students understand how arts and expression of arts can change modes. Paint a poem was organized on 14th Feb 2020 at 10.30 am. It was open to all. The participants were supposed to bring a poem of their choice and paint what they understand of it. Colours, Brush, and Paper was provided to the participants. 

3) Howl- An Open Mic: This was in continuation to the film-screening of the film Howl based on a poem by Allen Ginsberg (Details are below). The activity aimed to provide a platform for students to express themselves, relieve and let the stress go before they face exams. The activity was held on 29th Feb. 2020. It was open to all. Participants sang songs, recited poetry, read and expressed their thoughts. 

 Film Screening:

1)     Waiting for Godot: The film, ‘Waiting for Godot’ is an adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s play by the same name. The screening was arranged, on 8th Feb. 2020, particularly for TYBA students and kept open to all. The play is part of TYBA curricula for sixth semester. The film helped students to understand the visual aspects of the play.  The screening was followed by a discussion.

2)     Howl: We arranged a screening of the film Howl (2010) on 29th Feb. 2020 for students of SYBA. The film is based on 1955 poem by American poet Allen Ginsberg which is a part of the syllabus. The purpose was to make students understand it peculiarities as a composition. The screening was followed by a discussion and an open mic.


Message from Head of Department

A very warm and hearty welcome from the Department of English at Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Mumbai! The department has an excellent and committed team of qualified, experienced, and proficient teachers in the field of English language and literature. The department is committed to our mission of promoting English language and Literature to our stakeholders; introduce them to the wide-ranging tools of literary study; strengthen their ability to analyze all the literary forms of expression such as poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama etc; empower them for better career avenues and higher education in India and abroad; and inculcate in them the democratic values through language and literature. We are relentlessly striving hard to nurture their hidden talent and help them in self-expression. We strongly believe that English language brings out the hidden potential of an individual and sets him/her on the higher pedestal of life by creating in him/her an inquisitive zeal for quest. To achieve our vision and mission we organize guest lectures by eminent scholars, extracurricular activities like ‘Mad-hatters’ during Samanvay, competitions on language and literature, dramatic performances, poetry recitation, discussion forums through Readers’ Club, study tours and film screenings.

Dr. Arjun S. Kharat

Our Team

Dr. Arjun S Kharat

Dr. Arjun S Kharat

Dr. Vikki Gayakavad

Dr. Vikki Gayakavad

Ms. Prachi Kambli

Ms. Prachi Kambli

Ms. Abira Sinha

Ms. Abira Sinha

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